
I wrote this poem toward the end of 2020, when the “Covid-19 pandemic” was in full swing and many theories about the whole situation flourished. What was certainly true about that time was the heartbreak of loss, loneliness, fear, anxiety and anger it caused.

Her smile was like a beacon of hope in a faceless crowd
Where a strange arctic atmosphere spread like oxygen-ignited fire
Dagger eyes and cutting words give chase
God forbid she expose her glowing rosy cheeks and lips !

What fragile state we have become where the sight of exposed skin triggers rage
And the slightest touch elicits a cascade of horror and outrage
Where men, women, and children sit in loneliness and despair
And heavy is the heart of those that care

Poor old Mr Saunders doesn’t understand why his family no longer visits
He’s captured again, just like Vietnam, except… no one is coming to save him
And no one cares about Mr and Mrs Costa who shut down their 40-year-old diner
Millions more will suffer… why doesn’t it matter?

Yes, it’s a grating, vicious game of chance for all but the chosen few
Big box stores, big tech and big pharma – the monopolizers
Politicians and mainstream news – the propaganda machines
Is there anyone or anything that isn’t touched by this game?

Our history is being erased, one statue and book at a time
Greed has taken root and blossomed into sick vines of hatred and evil, cleverly disguised
Nothing matters to them – certainly not your family
It’s blindness, expected of us… how can we let it be?

This is a world where primal fear is bread and spread by those we used to trust
Of devious secrets exposed but ignored
Where truth is scorned in the face of ritualistic lies
Where common sense is no more common, but hides

More insidious than the Black Death because it’s orchestrated for a purpose
To create chaos, to separate, to destroy, to own and control
One ploy after another… and we, the sheep, follow along and do what we’re told
We are still children – just how old is old?

What have we become?
To let madness and hypocrisy dictate our lives
To let those responsible remain free and unpunished
For it’s those in power who are free to continue this insanity

But shock and silence will not last forever
There is another Great Rising coming… not a Great Reset
And these peasants will revolt just as they did centuries ago
Otherwise, we will be digitally tagged and catalogued just like our dogs.

~Shelley Ann Vrgleski

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